United States of America
According to the results of the 2020 census, 50.9% of the U.S. population is female, 16.8% is younger than 18, 22.1% is 65 or older, and 80% lives in urban areas.
In Connecticut, nine planning regions replace the eight legacy counties for statistical purposes.
Phoenix, AZ (1,608,139 pop. in 2020; +11.2%), Fort Worth, TX (918,915; +23.4%), Irvine, CA (307,670, +45%), Frisco, TX (200,509, +71.1%), Horizon West, FL (58,101, +315%) and Nocatee, FL (22,503, +397%) had the highest percental population growth between 2010 and 2020 in their population class. New York City showed the highest absolute gain (8,804,190; +629,260) and Detroit, MI the highest lost (639,111, -35,069).
According to the results of the 2020 census, the USA have a resident population of 331,449,281. That means an increase by 22.7 million compared to 2010. California is the most populous state with 39,538,233 inhabitants. The largest growth in the last decade (18.37%) was noticed in Utah.
Bridgewater Town and Randolph Town in Massachusetts became cities. Furthermore, a new type of incorporated place has been introduced: Former Utah CDPs Copperton, Emigration Canyon, Kearns, Magna and White City are classified as »metro township«.
According to the revised delineations for metropolitan statistical areas, Bluffton (Indiana) is a new micropolitan statistical area. It is part of Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn CSA.
South Fulton city (Georgia) with 97,277 inhabitants and Framingham city (Massachusetts) with 73,123 inhabitants are now listed as incorporated places.
A new definition (OMB Bulletin No. 18-04) of metropolitan areas was published. There are several changes compared to the last definition of April 2018.
The U.S. states and all cities having more than 100,000 inhabitants.
1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census, 2023 estimate
2020/2023 boundaries
The population of the U.S. states.
1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census, 2024 estimate
The population of the U.S. states and counties.
1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census, 2023 estimate
The population of all metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas
Definition: July 2023
1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census, 2023 estimate
The population of all combined statistical areas as well as of all isolated metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas.
Definition: July 2023
1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census, 2023 estimate
The population of all urban areas in the United States.
2000, 2010, 2020 census
The population of areas (reservations, trust lands, tribal statistical areas, tribal subdivisions) for Native Americans.
2000, 2010, 2020 census
The top 10 cities of the United States and of the U.S. states.
2023 estimate
The population of the census tracts of the following metropolitan statistical areas.
1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 census – 2020 boundaries