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CT 0103

Census Tract in Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo Metropolitan Area

Contents: Population

The population development of CT 0103 as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images).

CT 0103Census TractWaterloo3,7753,6353,6643,6913,865
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo (Tri-Cities)Metropolitan Area429,150468,332496,383523,894575,847

Source: Statistics Canada (web).

Explanation: Metropolitan area and census tracts in the boundaries of 2021. Census figures are not adjusted for underenumeration.

Further information about the population structure:

Gender (C 2021)
Age Groups (C 2021)
0-17 years595
18-64 years2,325
65+ years945
Age Distribution (C 2021)
90+ years55
80-89 years265
70-79 years395
60-69 years460
50-59 years435
40-49 years440
30-39 years610
20-29 years535
10-19 years300
0-9 years355
Mother Tongue (C 2021)
Other language570
Multiple languages110

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