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Vietnam: Tiền Giang Province

Contents: Districts and Communes

The population of the districts and communes (wards, townships and rural communes) of Tiền Giang Province according to the last census.

The Details icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (age groups).

Cái BèDistrict287,035
An CưRural Commune13,224
An HữuRural Commune16,871
An Thái ĐôngRural Commune9,233
An Thái TrungRural Commune14,967
Cái BèTownship15,445
Đông Hòa HiệpRural Commune14,641
Hậu Mỹ Bắc ARural Commune13,312
Hậu Mỹ Bắc BRural Commune10,366
Hậu Mỹ PhúRural Commune7,261
Hậu Mỹ TrinhRural Commune9,842
Hậu ThànhRural Commune13,048
Hòa HưngRural Commune14,919
Hòa KhánhRural Commune20,218
Mỹ Đức ĐôngRural Commune9,500
Mỹ Đức TâyRural Commune13,990
Mỹ HộiRural Commune8,303
Mỹ Lợi ARural Commune10,213
Mỹ Lợi BRural Commune7,215
Mỹ LươngRural Commune10,733
Mỹ TânRural Commune4,706
Mỹ TrungRural Commune8,419
Tân HưngRural Commune12,282
Tân ThanhRural Commune10,305
Thiện TríRural Commune9,222
Thiện TrungRural Commune8,800
Cai LậyDistrict185,029
Bình PhúRural Commune16,147
Cẩm SơnRural Commune7,700
Hiệp ĐứcRural Commune5,964
Hội XuânRural Commune8,843
Long TiênRural Commune11,989
Long TrungRural Commune12,046
Mỹ LongRural Commune9,138
Mỹ Thành BắcRural Commune8,037
Mỹ Thành NamRural Commune12,656
Ngũ HiệpRural Commune15,681
Phú AnRural Commune15,062
Phú CườngRural Commune12,672
Phú NhuậnRural Commune9,153
Tam BìnhRural Commune16,231
Tân PhongRural Commune12,481
Thạnh LộcRural Commune11,229
Cai Lậy (thị xã)District-level Town120,877
Long KhánhRural Commune12,336
Mỹ Hạnh ĐôngRural Commune8,555
Mỹ Hạnh TrungRural Commune7,165
Mỹ Phước TâyRural Commune13,102
Nhị MỹWard6,697
Nhị QuýRural Commune10,354
Phường 1 (Cai Lậy)Ward23,974
Phú QuýRural Commune6,322
Tân BìnhRural Commune10,937
Tân HộiRural Commune10,971
Tân PhúRural Commune5,419
Thanh HòaRural Commune5,045
Châu ThànhDistrict243,753
Bàn LongRural Commune8,002
Bình ĐứcRural Commune14,632
Bình TrưngRural Commune8,987
Điềm HyRural Commune8,917
Đông HòaRural Commune9,099
Dưỡng ĐiềmRural Commune5,823
Hữu ĐạoRural Commune4,374
Kim SơnRural Commune10,088
Long AnRural Commune14,079
Long ĐịnhRural Commune13,993
Long HưngRural Commune12,501
Nhị BìnhRural Commune17,175
Phú PhongRural Commune6,839
Song ThuậnRural Commune6,374
Tam HiệpRural Commune14,036
Tân HiệpTownship4,880
Tân Hội ĐôngRural Commune7,530
Tân HươngRural Commune14,890
Tân Lý ĐôngRural Commune13,997
Tân Lý TâyRural Commune11,143
Thân Cửu NghĩaRural Commune18,386
Thạnh PhúRural Commune7,868
Vĩnh KimRural Commune10,140
Chợ GạoDistrict182,177
An Thạnh ThủyRural Commune12,366
Bình NinhRural Commune10,535
Bình PhanRural Commune6,972
Bình Phục NhứtRural Commune12,223
Chợ GạoTownship7,459
Đăng Hưng PhướcRural Commune11,046
Hòa ĐịnhRural Commune8,173
Hòa TịnhRural Commune6,243
Long Bình ĐiềnRural Commune11,753
Lương Hòa LạcRural Commune15,034
Mỹ Tịnh AnRural Commune8,706
Phú KiếtRural Commune9,832
Quơn LongRural Commune9,445
Song BìnhRural Commune10,171
Tân Bình ThạnhRural Commune7,518
Tân Thuận BìnhRural Commune10,223
Thanh BìnhRural Commune9,467
Trung HòaRural Commune6,428
Xuân ĐôngRural Commune8,583
Gò CôngDistrict-level Town94,367
Bình ĐôngRural Commune13,886
Bình XuânRural Commune16,083
Long ChánhRural Commune5,554
Long HòaRural Commune6,195
Long HưngRural Commune5,276
Long ThuậnRural Commune6,525
Phường 1Ward5,318
Phường 2Ward6,251
Phường 3Ward5,439
Phường 4Ward6,210
Phường 5Ward4,075
Tân TrungRural Commune13,555
Gò Công ĐôngDistrict140,275
Bình ÂnRural Commune9,777
Bình NghịRural Commune11,076
Gia ThuậnRural Commune6,049
Kiểng PhướcRural Commune13,852
Phước TrungRural Commune10,177
Tân ĐiềnRural Commune7,169
Tân ĐôngRural Commune9,938
Tăng HoàRural Commune9,718
Tân HòaTownship5,686
Tân PhướcRural Commune13,704
Tân TâyRural Commune14,038
Tân ThànhRural Commune13,868
Vàm LángTownship15,223
Gò Công TâyDistrict124,889
Bình NhìRural Commune11,584
Bình PhúRural Commune7,421
Bình TânRural Commune10,544
Đồng SơnRural Commune8,903
Đồng ThạnhRural Commune10,143
Long BìnhRural Commune12,959
Long VĩnhRural Commune7,732
Thành CôngRural Commune4,647
Thạnh NhựtRural Commune12,404
Thạnh TrịRural Commune9,594
Vĩnh BìnhTownship11,403
Vĩnh HựuRural Commune11,371
Yên LuôngRural Commune6,184
Mỹ ThoDistrict-level City197,022
Đạo ThạnhRural Commune10,698
Mỹ PhongRural Commune16,376
Phước ThạnhRural Commune10,071
Phường 1Ward5,464
Phường 2Ward13,603
Phường 3Ward10,383
Phường 4Ward15,103
Phường 5Ward20,515
Phường 6Ward23,386
Phường 7Ward8,491
Phường 8Ward11,893
Phường 9Ward7,368
Phường 10Ward10,407
Tân LongWard3,468
Tân Mỹ ChánhRural Commune10,221
Thới SơnRural Commune5,584
Trung AnRural Commune13,991
Tân Phú ĐôngDistrict40,430
Phú ĐôngRural Commune5,939
Phú TânRural Commune3,492
Phú ThạnhRural Commune7,717
Tân PhúRural Commune8,678
Tân ThạnhRural Commune4,386
Tân ThớiRural Commune10,218
Tân PhướcDistrict56,417
Hưng ThạnhRural Commune6,682
Mỹ PhướcTownship2,745
Mỹ PhướcRural Commune2,799
Phú MỹRural Commune7,452
Phước LậpRural Commune9,204
Tân Hòa ĐôngRural Commune1,542
Tân Hòa TâyRural Commune4,179
Tân Hòa ThànhRural Commune9,383
Tân Lập 1Rural Commune5,336
Tân Lập 2Rural Commune2,274
Thạnh HoàRural Commune821
Thạnh MỹRural Commune2,278
Thạnh TânRural Commune1,722
Tiền GiangProvince1,672,271

Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam (web).

Explanation: Communes as defined in 2009 and districts follow the definiton of 2018. The computation of boundaries and population figures for districts is based on the tabulated communes of 2009. Thus, slight discrepancies to the actual situation are possible in few cases. Area figures are derived from geospatial data.